Did you find these postcards in the basket of your velo? We'd like to continue with more shots like these. So if you're any kind of photographer, or just have a camera, send us your photos of bicycles in Paris, France or anywhere in the world. Lalande will put them on the website and if we use them in other promotions, we will print up post cards for you for your contribution and to say thanks. These images are copyright-free retro-Americana photos from the 1940s. Click on them to enlarge and see how great they are.
If you'd like to discuss a project of yours, click here to Contact Lalande. Bonne route!
Très bonne idée !
Je parle de vous sur mon blog :
Love the idea that Paris is encouraging bike transportation in the city... Every little bit helps in the grand scheme of things.
Just a note about what a great find Lalande Press has been for me. You guys are wonderful to work with.. As a painter, you have helped me with my print materials in a very satisfying way.
My site : www.studiorabbit.com if you wanna check it out.
Keep up the blog too.. Nice to have many perspectives of what goes on in this grande ville...
Thanks for your answers on Emmanuel Brunet's blog.
In fact, I agree... the idea is goog ! These old pics are really nice. The boy alone on the bicycle let me even think to JFK. I'm quite sure people love this one !
I like your idea calling people for send their own photos, too. It's "web2.0-like" ! But how will you make your choice for your next campaign ? Will you let your visitors vote for the photo they prefere, or will you choose by yourself ?
Hello Mathew,
I think I already told you on Sat that I love your idea...
And while the cards alone didn't scream PRINTING!!! immediately, this site sure says it loud and clear.
In fact, it says a lot more... about Paris, art, on-goings... ...
Gonna dig up some photos of velos. How sweet it'd be to see them in the pannier of a velo in Paris...
Yes, do send interest pictures/photos of people on their velos, their wheels. If we use them, we will distribute them all over Paris. It's a good deal.
Thank you for the note,
what a great concept! I love this..
Great idea and cute photos.
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