Sage, the financial software maker for businesses, asked Robert Ruscoe to star in a recent print campaign. Robert's Polyflash business, the mother company for Lalande, has long produced reports, large prints, brochures and cards of all sizes and shapes for Sage. "Their business is always mission critical," says Robert. "It's always about getting materials to them now." Apparently Sage thinks Lalande's wizard is a sage as well. Robert says he's happy to work as a model. His fees are reasonable – a nice bottle of Côte Roti will persuade him. Give him a shout.
Ray Johnsoniana and the font of youth: This week-end I discovered the poster which won Ray a prize in 1943-44: for a company that made awnings for trailers. If anyone sends a land-mail address, I will probably send a copy, with my comments on his lettering, studied at Cass Tech, in Detroit: Bill Wilson
Thank you Bill Wilson. For anyone who doesn't know. Bill Wilson was one of Ray's most treasured friends. Bill has long written about Ray Johnson, and has one of the foremost collections of the artist's collage work, letters, objects. He is also a storehouse of information and anecdotes about America's most well-known unknown artists. Bill... send me one!
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