A great found text word and phrase generator will have you knocking out signs and phrases to blow your semiotics professor away. Check out Erik Kastner's Spell With Flickr.
C'est super ce qu'ils ont fait chez YL ... avez vous des photos de l'installation 'presque vide' car je n'avais pas mon appareil et quand je suis passé il ne restait presque plus rien !
Lalande Digital Art Press is your English-language printer in the heart of Paris. We print everything from post cards to books, cartes de visite, large and small format digital prints for limited edition, signed artworks. Artists, photographers, fashion designers, art dealers, boutiques, small and medium sized enterprises all use our services for custom printing.
Completely bi-lingual, French and English, we work quickly, efficiently and offer the lowest prices and highest quality around. Out of the country and coming to France? Contact us to print in Paris for you. Send PDF files for your print job and we'll produce your catalogs, books, flyers, posters and deliver right to your hotel or conference center.
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C'est super ce qu'ils ont fait chez YL ... avez vous des photos de l'installation 'presque vide' car je n'avais pas mon appareil et quand je suis passé il ne restait presque plus rien !
Matthew - thanks for visiting my site and votiing for me. You are definitely living the life I want to get back to..
Great site. Love the digital flickr thing.. I'll get to that in due time.
:) From Vancouver... I'm originally from Cali...
And how did you learn french? je parle en peu mais j'ecris moins que je parle..
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